Typos and questions #1327

Submitted 3 months ago

First the typos:

Section 1.4, 1st paragraph, 2nd sentence: "Stop and the application" should be "Stop the application"

Section 2, 1st 'i' box: "We do not persists the password in this exercises" should be "We do not persist the password in this exercise"

Then the questions:

Section 1.2: Is the "nodepath" used as a kind of namespace? So all the preferences from every plugin could go into the same preference store and be triaged by the RCP mechanism to the correct "preference tree"?

Section 2.1: When it states that "As nodePath is not explicitly set for the @Execute method, it uses com.vogella.tasks.ui", does it mean that I could watch the preferences of another plugin, by informing its proper "nodepath" here?

Does this form of preferences usage makes the old AbstractUIPlugin.getPreferenceStore().addPropertyChangeListener() obsolete?


  3 months ago

Thanks, typos fixed.

  3 months ago

I also added https://learn.vogella.com/exercises/rich-client-platform/using-preferences-SssMm to give more background about preference.

You should also find a explanation about the node-path here, it is basically the file prefix for the stored values. Yes a plug-in can listen to other preferences nodes.

AbstractUIPlugin should in general not be avoided, it it better to replaced activators with other functionality, like in this example with the INSTANCE variable. Activators enforce a bad coding pattern.

Please reopen if you still have quesitons in this area.

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