Minor typos and errors #1260

Submitted 6 months ago

1.1: I think it would be better if the information regarding the necessary plugins came first on this section.

1.1, 4th paragraph, last sentence, strange phrasing: "The main factories are to created instances of IObservableValue are listed in the following table."

6.1: there’s an orphan parenthesis on the first sentence: "which are provided by the factories),"

7: strange phrasing: "JFace data binding does currently not support not based on Java 8"


  6 months ago

1.1. Done 1.1 Re-written to The following table gives an overview of available classes to create instances of IObservableValue.

6.1 Fixed by simplify the sentence to You can also implement observables for your own classes. 7. Indeed, re-written the exercise

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