A standalone RCP application that presents an existing editor plugin #581

Submitted 4 years ago

I am trying to port the plugin https://github.com/Talend/avro-schema-editor/ into a standalone application. This plugin provides a GUI to edit the avro schema files (essentially JSON files). The plugin works fine in my Eclipse IDE.

I am having difficulty presenting the plugin in a "part" and having the editor appear when I open a *.avsc file. I had assumed that if I included the feature in the product file and I specified the "AvroSchemaEditorPart" class in the Class URI property of the part (see screen shot below) that dependency injection would take care of the rest. Obviously I am missing something major. Can you provide me with any guidance on how to include plugin editors in my own RCP application or at least point me to any tutorial content that explains this?


  4 years ago


https://learn.vogella.com/exercises/rich-client-platform/using-eclipse-services-and-editor-handling-50tdg describes the services also relevant for editors.https://learn.vogella.com/exercises/rich-client-platform/implementing-an-editor explains how to implement a part behaving as editor and https://learn.vogella.com/exercises/rich-client-platform/implemention-of-multiple-editors-P7z4J gives an example for handling multiple editors.

This description assumes that you are implementing a "pure" e4 application, if you implemented a IDE editor you most likey implemented EditorPart which is not required anymore and you may have to rewrite parts of your code to this it into the new e4 model

Alternative you could also reuse the existing editor in an 3.x based API RCP application which runs on e4. This is partially covered in our migration guide (see migration chapter).

I hope this help, please note that replying into the email will currently not update this ticket.

Best regards, Lars

  3 years ago

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